Parking in Prague

Where to (legally) leave your car

Ryan Scott

Written by Ryan Scott Published on 30.10.2009 10:13:14 (updated on 30.10.2009) Reading time: 6 minutes

Parking’s a hassle – or so I’ve been told. First of all, there’s finding a place. Then there is knowing which system is used in Prague’s many districts. I can’t help you with the first, but hopefully I can clarify some of the issues regarding the second.

For the sake of brevity, I’m concentrating on districts 1 to 10 since they comprise what can roughly be called the centre. This includes many of the living areas, not to mention many of Prague’s historical, cultural and culinary attractions. For ease, I’m going through the districts in groups.

Parking in Prague 1, 2, 3 and 7

Parking in these districts is divided into three zones, each with a designated color: orange, green and blue.

Orange: The short term parking for visitors to these four districts for a maximum period of two hours. Tickets are obtained from parking meters (parkovací automat). However, the price and operating time depends on the specific tariff for the zone.

Orange Tariffs for Prague 1:

Location Tariff Type Operating Hours Price
Old Town side (PRAVOBŘEŽNÍ -literally “right bank”) 1 Mon- Fri 8am – 6pm 40 CZK / hour
Min: 20 CZK / 30 min
Max: 80 CZK / 2 hours
Old Town side 2 Mon- Sat 8am – 6pm 40 CZK / hour
Min: 20 CZK / 30 min
Max: 80 CZK / 2 hours
Old Town side 3
Old Town side 3 Mon- Fri 8am – 8pm 40 CZK / hour
Min: 20 CZK / 30 min
Max: 80 CZK / 2 hours
Castle side (LEVOBŘEŽNÍ – literally “left bank”) 7 Mon- Fri 8am – 6pm 40 CZK / hour
Min: 20 CZK / 30 min
Max: 80 CZK / 2 hours

Where these tariffs exactly apply in Prague 1 can be found here.

Orange Tariffs for Prague 2:
Parking in the orange zone is from 30 min – 2 hours at 40 CZK/hour. Operating hours depend on where you park and can be found on this map here. (in Czech).

Orange Tariffs for Prague 3 and 7:
There are three tariffs for the orange zone in Prague 3:
Tariff I. 10 CZK/hour
Tariff II. .. 20 CZK/hour
Tariff III. . 40 CZK/hour
Operating hours are Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm.
A map of Prague 3’s parking places can be found here under “ZDE Mapa Zóny placeného stání.” Prague 7´s parking spots can be found here.

Green: The mid-term parking zone with a maximum period of six hours. The green zone has different tariffs and operating hours as well.

Green Tariffs for Prague 1:

Location Tariff Type Operating Hours Price
Old Town side 4 Mon- Fri 8am – 6pm 30 CZK / hour
Old Town side 5 Mon- Sat 8am – 6pm 30 CZK / hour
Old Town side 6 Mon- Fri 8am – 8pm 15 CZK / hour
Castle side 8 Mon- Fri 8am – 6pm
Sat 8am – 2 pm
30 CZK / hour
Min: 10 CZK / 30 min
Max: 180 CZK / 6 hours
Castle side 8.a Mon- Sun 8am – 6pm 30 CZK / hour
Min: 15 CZK / 30 min
Max: 180 CZK / 6 hours
Castle side 9 Mon- Sun 8am – 6pm 15 CZK / hour
Min: 10 CZK / 40 min
Max: 90 CZK / 6 hours

Green Tariff in Prague 2:
The green zone is 30 min – 6 hours at 30 CZK/hour. Operating hours depend on where you park and can be found on this map here. (in Czech).

Green Tariff in Prague 3 and 7:
In the green zone there are two tariffs:
Tariff I. ..  15 CZK/hour
Tariff II. .. 30 CZK/hour

Operating hours are Monday – Friday, 8am – 6pm.
Outside operating hours, parking is free in the Orange and Green zones unless stated otherwise.

Blue: Long-term parking for residents and paid-users, who are not residents, but who operate a business in the region. To be eligible to park in the blue zone you need to satisfy the following requirements:

– Be a permanent resident in the district where you’re applying for a parking permit
– Be a foreigner whose registered address, registered with the Foreigner’s police, is in the district where you are applying for the parking permit
– Be a legal entity or a business person whose main business and place of business is in the district where you are applying for a permit
– Be the rightful owner of the vehicle, or the authorized lessee, or that you are authorized to use the car for personal reasons
To prove the above, the following documents are required:
– Valid national ID card or valid passport, and temporary or permanent residence or exit card (for foreign nationals from EU states)
– Valid passport with long term visa or permanent residency (for foreign nationals from non-EU states)
– Certificate of registration (OR – osvědčení o registraci)
– Certificate of Roadworthiness (TP – technický průkaz). If your car is registered in a foreign country, this must be translated into Czech unless the documents are in Slovak
– If you are hiring or have a car through lease payments, you will need the leasing or hiring contract. Note, the rental period must be at least as long as the period you are applying for the parking permit.
– If it’s a company car you will need a statutory declaration from the company showing the car is for personal use and  a certified copy of a statement from Commercial Registry about the company no older than six months

The full ordeal for issuing of Parking Permits can be found here. (in Czech).


If you are a permanent resident or a foreigner whose address is registered with the Foreigner’s Police in either Prague 1, 2, 3 or 7 then the following costs apply:

Period First Vehicle Second Vehicle Third and Subsequent Vehicles Residents 65 years and older (First vehicle only) Business people of legal entities
With place of  business in district
Annual 700 CZK 7 000 CZK 14 000 CZK 350 CZK 12 000 CZK
Half-yearly 350 CZK 3 500 CZK 7 000 CZK 175 CZK 6 000 CZK

Non-reduced basic prices for legal entities

Period First Price Band (Prague 1 and 2) Second Price Band (Prague 2, 3and 7)*  Third Price Band ( Prague 3)*
Annual 36 000 CZK 30 000 CZK 24 000 CZK
Half-yearly 20 000 CZK 17 000 CZK 13 500 CZK
Quarterly 10 000 CZK 8 500 CZK 7 000 CZK
Monthly 3 500 CZK 3 000 CZK 2 500 CZK
Weekly 900 CZK 800 CZK 700 CZK

* The different prices are based on the area in the given districts. Contact your district for further information.

Short term parking in the Blue Zone:
If a repair person or delivery van needs to park in the blue zone for a short period of time, it is possible for them to obtain a single-use two hour or ten-hour ticket from the following offices:
Prague 1: Vodičkova 18
Prague 2: náměstí Míru 20
Prague 3: Perunova 5
Prague 7: Milady Horákové 2

Border Zones
In the areas along either side of the borders of Prague 1 and 2, there are designated places known as průkinové zóny where residents from both districts can park. These places are marked OBLAST 1+2. A list of the streets where you can find them is here. (in Czech).

Parking in Prague 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
These districts have yet to introduce the paid parking zones system.  Instead it is possible to park wherever there is a designated parking area. Look for a blue sign with a large white ‘P’. Attached to the sign will be the hours when parking is possible, if there are any restrictions.

There are also private secure parking sites which so incur a cost. These are private concerns and have their own prices and times. Here is a list of some of them (in Czech).

Park and Ride
A good option for people who commute from out of Prague is “Park and Ride” (P&R). P&R places are located at the metro stops Skalka, Zlíčin, Nové Butovice, Palmovka, Rajská zahrada, Černý most, Nádraží Holešovice and Opatov. This handy map can even show you how many spaces are vacant (volných mist) and how many are occupied (obsazených mist) at each of the car parks.

There are three basic possibilities with P&R:
10 CZK which does not include travel on the metro. This suitable for those with a monthly, quarterly or annual travel pass or those who work near the P&R places and do not need to use the metro or any other form of public transport.
50 CZK return-ticket (parkovaci listek se zpatecni jizdenkou) which allows for one 75 minute (90 minute in off peak time) journey from the station and another 75 minute (90 minute in off peak time) journey back. It is recommended that you have both tickets when you leave.
90 CZK all day ticket (parkovaci listek se jednodenní jizdenkou). As the name suggests, this allows you to park and the use the Prague integrated transport system for the day of issue.

Your car should be collected by 1am, though it is recommended to get there by 12:30am because some places shut early. If your car is left in the P&R parking place overnight you will incur an additional 100 CZK charge.

Detailed parking maps (in Czech only) can be found through the following links:

Prague 1
Prague 2
Prague 3
Prague 7
(for other districts, check the local district web sites)


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